Church Chaperone Requirements

Church leaders must:

  • · Be 21 years of age or older
  • · Pass a background check conducted by the sponsoring church
  • · Be a member of the sponsoring church
  • · Be a non-smoker
  • · Set a good example for kids in speech, conduct, and dress

Church chaperones are expected to supervise their church kids. This includes all daily activities as well as staying with their children through the night for overnight events. Church leaders must provide on-site transportation for their children. One male chaperone is needed for every 1-5 boys and one female chaperone is needed for every 1-5 girls.

Who can attend?

Boys who are in grades 1-6 and their church leaders/ dads may attend. 

Leaders must be 21 years of age or older and a member of the sending church. 

Will food be provided?

Lunch will be provided on Saturday.  All other meals are the responsibility of the groups.